Friday, June 22, 2012


Well, after much traveling and waiting I have finally made it to Karlsruhe, Germany! More specifically I am living in Grötzingen, a borough of Karlsruhe. I have been awake for about 30 hours now and I'm still not done. So here's what I've been doing the throughout this time.

The flights: I have flown before but not like this. The first leg of my journey began with a regional jet from Nashville to Detroit which left me feeling quite dizzy and a bit queasy. The second leg of my journey, Detroit to Frankfurt, went better. Unfortunately I was in the very last row with no windows in my row. The bathrooms were right next too me, and although they were convenient with respect to proximity, the occasional odors were not. I tried my best to sleep, but excitement wouldn't let me.

The trains: When I finally landed in Frankfurt, the next step was to take the trains to Karlsruhe. The first train had no seating room left, therefore I was stuck standing up with my luggage trying to maintain my balance while the high speed train made its sudden turns. The next train's conditions were improved with actual seating, and to make the experience even cooler, a young German boy and an older German lady invited me and another person in the group to play cards.

Finally, I met my host family at the train station, but I'' have to tell more about them and their home later. I need sleep and dinner is about to be finished. :)
Below are pictures of the part that I'm staying in.

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